What is email signature?

What is an email signature? Our guide covers everything you need to know, including its purpose, benefits, and what to include in a professional email signature.

An email signature is the block of text you see at the bottom of most emails that includes the contact information and professional details of the sender. Today's email signatures are replacing the traditional business card.

With research showing that an average professional sends around 800 emails per month, an email signature is one of the best ways to introduce yourself to contacts!

If you're looking for a way to easily create a professional email signature for you or your company, Serviceform's free email signature manager is the perfect place to start. It lets you to create a professional and fun email signature with your contact details, an image of yourself, and even a dynamic promotional banner to showcase your brand.

Just sign up to our free email signature manager, enter your details, upload an image, and a banner. Then copy and paste it into your email. Now your signature is ready for the world!

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