Want more sales? Book more online meetings.
It’s something you’ve likely heard a thousand sales gurus chant. But let’s be honest, it isn’t as easy as it sounds, though every salesperson wishes it were. ;)
On average, it takes 18 calls to connect with a prospect. So when a client finally picks up the phone, you’re eagerly waiting to strike gold – to book a meeting. A sales meeting with a client is a decisive point that decides whether you and your sales prospect will move further down the sales funnel.
Did you notice how we specifically mentioned ‘book more online meetings’ to boost sales? Virtual meetings are more convenient than conventional meetings because of their flexibility and affordability. Online meetings help you connect with potential clients, contractors, and team members from around the globe with zero transportation cost, while also broadening your customer base.
Now imagine this: You call a client and they pick up; you then deliver the perfect sales pitch, but they still don’t agree to the meeting. You’re banging your head thinking what could’ve gone wrong. So let’s change the narrative and ask, ‘What else could I do to book more meetings?’. Let’s now see how to help your sales team book online meetings.

1. Set yourself on an exploration voyage
No, we don’t mean you to get on a boat and sail, but to dig a little deeper and do background research to find all the crucial information about the client before you make the first move – the discovery call. Use Google and LinkedIn to find the details. If you have any sales prospecting tools available, use those too. Any helpful information you can find will help you determine the prospect's level of interest.
Now pay attention to the information and make a few changes in the sales email template or script that you have to add a pinch of personalisation. Make sure to explain your purpose and end with a specific question on how to help the prospect. This is a proven trick you can use with clients to make them read and reply to your email. But why? Because you’ve asked a question, making them feel obliged to reply.
2. Schedule the meeting ASAP
The most important thing you have to understand in sales is the power of now. There’s no better time than the moment you’re prospecting a client to book the meeting.
One of the most frequent reasons for a prospect to end the conversation or become a no-show is the salesperson scheduling the call too late after the last engagement. This urgency to commit decreases as time goes on, which lowers the prospect's likelihood of showing up for the meeting. And even if the prospect attends the meeting, which is scheduled long after the initial conversation, it would undoubtedly make the call feel like an afterthought for the client when it should've been your signal to close the deal.
It’s best to book a meeting with your potential customer for the nearest date while you’re still in their thoughts and have the advantage of urgency. Remember, timing is everything. The sooner the call is scheduled, the better.
At times like this, a meeting scheduler is your best sales assistant. Check out our pick for the Top 7 meeting scheduling software in 2023.

3. Keep them engaged and make them see the value
Hook your clients by showing them that you understand their pain points and emphasise how this meeting could bring them more business. If potential clients are aware of the benefits they’ll reap from your meeting, they’re more likely to attend.
Even though you've already highlighted what they can anticipate for the meeting, it’s always great to offer a simple but high-level, tailored agenda that pinpoints why they should give the meeting their full attention. After the initial conversation, you can start by sending a brief email of the problem you identified during the call and the solutions you’ll provide during the scheduled meeting.
If the meeting is scheduled for a few days later, send at least one or two follow-up emails with material that’s useful to them. You can also reduce the no-shows by mentioning the agenda of the meeting in the invite so that they’re reminded of why they booked the meeting in the first place.
4. Put the power on the prospect’s hand to pick a time
This is a simple technique you can use to establish a stronger relationship with your prospects. If you’re missing out on too many sales meetings, it could be because of too much back-and-forth across emails and calls just to pick a time slot.
We order food, hail a cab, schedule a salon appointment, and make and receive payments all with the touch of a button. Simply put, we are a generation of get-things-done-in-a-snap people. No one would love to read a lengthy email, look through their calendar, find a time, and reply back to you. It just isn't efficient in the real world.
One in three people prefers to book an appointment according to their own convenience rather than call a sales rep or fill out a form. So it’s time to put the CTA ‘Book a meeting with me’ in big, bold letters on your website, email signature, chatbots, and even in the leadbar.
Learn how you can have your own CTA with Ourly meeting scheduler, and attract more customers to book meetings!

5. Strike while the iron is hot
Your work doesn’t end with getting a meeting booked. Keep in mind that decision-makers have a lot on their plate. Try your best to stay on top of any prospect’s mind so they remember the appointment with you.
Ideally, you send them a friendly reminder via email 24 hours before the meeting. It gives the prospect a chance to inform you beforehand if they can’t make it and need to reschedule. Also, consider following them on LinkedIn or Twitter, which could help establish a relationship with them.
If they don't show up, don’t worry – it's not the end of the world. Double-check with them and actively follow up. Eight out of ten sales require 5 follow-up calls after any meeting to close the deal. While no-show scenarios are common in sales, it takes effort from your end to tackle them.
Finally, the spell that charms the clients
But the ultimate spell is confidence. Believe in yourself and the product or service you have on offer. When you strongly believe that your offering can help the prospect overcome their own challenges, your email or call will convey that to them. So put on your best smile and use your confidence to win customers over, then win more sales. :)